Yes, two photographs today as I wanted both of my boys in today's post.
We went on a family trip to Uetliberg and walked the Planetenweg to Felsenegg for lunch and a cable car ride down to Adliswil and home. Apparently there are a lot of
Planetenweg Plantenweg is a walk on which scale models of the planets are placed in scaled relation to their position in space. So the sun at the start was huge followwed by a tiny ballbearing for Mercury, a bigger one for Venus and so on. These planets were close together on the path, with each metre representing a million actual kilometres, whilst other planets were further apart. And Pluto appeared twice due to its orbit.
So, today's German - the planets - die Planeten
Earth die Erde
Jupiter der Jupiter
Mars der Mars
Mercury der Merkur
Neptune der Neptun
(Pluto) der Pluto - now officially a “dwarf planet” (ein Zwergplanet)*
Saturn der Saturn
Uranus der Uranus
Venus die Venus
Die Planeten - Sonnenordnung
The planets in solar order (outward from the sun)...
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, (Pluto)*
Der Merkur, die Venus, die Erde, der Mars, der Jupiter, der Saturn, der Uranus (der Pluto)