Saturday, 18 February 2012

TipTopSwiss 49:366

Two images today. 
This is my original, chosen for my youngest Jude who loves dogs.
We went to Rapperswil today and noted that it must have more opticians / optical boutiques than any other town we've ever visited (and Winterthur has many!)  This one was particularly noteable thanks to the doggy glasses. And they really do sell dog glasses - look!
Hundebrillen - Doggie glasses
Schutzbrillen für Hunde - Safety goggles for dogs
d'Sonnebrülle - sunglasses


And then we came across this potted tree outside a house by the Schloss. It's not so much the tree as the sign on the pot that caught the eye. In case the writing is too small, it says..

Ich bin keine Hundetoilette
(I'm not a dog toilet!)

1 comment:

  1. Merlin likes those doggy sunglasses but he's not too impressed with the sign on the tree. :-)
